Near real-time (NRT) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Thermal Anomalies / Fire locations - Collection 6 processed by NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), using swath products (MOD14/MYD14) rather than the tiled MOD14A1 and MYD14A1 products. The thermal anomalies / active fire represent the center of a 1km pixel that is flagged by the MODIS MOD14/MYD14 Fire and Thermal Anomalies algorithm (Giglio 2003) as containing one or more fires within the pixel. This is the most basic fire product in which active fires and other thermal anomalies, such as volcanoes, are identified.

MCD14DL are available in the following formats: TXT, SHP, KML, WMS. These data are also provided through the LANCE FIRMS Fire Email Alerts. Please note only the TXT and SHP files contain all the attributes.

Collection 61 data replaced Collection 6 in April 2021. Collection 5 (which was discontinued at the end of 2016).

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:17 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:17 (UTC)
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id da6ff778-c4f0-4e13-a77b-52bf278c3a78
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons