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Bring your own image

The NDP JupyterHub service allows users to bring in their own Jupyter-based images, giving them flexibility and control over their computing environment. Here are three key advantages:

Understanding Containers, Docker, and Images

Containers are lightweight, portable environments that package software, dependencies, and settings together, ensuring your application runs consistently across different systems.

Docker is a popular tool for managing these containers, making it easier to build, share, and run them.

A Docker image is like a "blueprint" or "recipe" for creating containers. It includes everything your container needs—like libraries, code, and configurations—to run a specific application or environment. Once you build an image, you can use it to create containers anywhere, from your local machine to cloud servers.

When you launch a server in NDP JupyterHub selecting the default , what happens behind curtains is that an image is used to create a JupyterLab with the python minimal setup, plus the NDP Widget.

Persist your environments

By bringing your own Jupyter-based image, you can persist your personalized environments across sessions. This ensures that all installed packages, dependencies, and configurations are maintained, making it easy to resume your work without having to reinstall or reconfigure the environment each time you launch a new pod.

Customize multiple kernels

When you build your customized image, you can configure multiple kernels for different projects. Whether you need specific libraries, versions of Python, or other programming languages, you can tailor each kernel to the needs of your project, providing a more efficient and organized workflow for working on multiple tasks simultaneously.

Leverage CUDA-based projects:

For AI and deep learning projects that require CUDA support, you can bring your own images with the necessary CUDA drivers and configurations. This allows you to run GPU-accelerated workloads on the server, which is ideal for resource-intensive tasks such as training machine learning models without worrying about compatibility issues with pre-installed CUDA environments.


To be able to setup an image and take the most advantage of it, you will need to familiarize yourself with Docker.

Docker is a system that allows you to create and run applications in a customized environment called containers.


In this example, we are going to build an image designed to interact with Aerial LiDAR Scanning (ALS) and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data. The source repository of this demo can be found here.

1 - Setup Docker

To install Docker in your system, follow the official Docker documentation.

Make sure to create a Docker Hub account during your setup.

2 - Create the Dockerfile

In a local folder, write the following Dockerfile.


WORKDIR /home/jovyan/work

USER root

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common && \
    add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable && \
    apt-get update

RUN apt-get install -y \
    git \
    pdal \
    libpdal-dev \
    cmake \
    g++ \
    gcc \
    libpython3-dev && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN git clone /home/jovyan/work/lidar_demo

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r /home/jovyan/work/lidar_demo/requirements.txt

RUN chown -R jovyan:users /home/jovyan/work

USER jovyan

This Dockerfile sets up a Jupyter-based image with the necessary dependencies to work with LiDAR data using the PDAL library. The steps are as follows:

  • Base Image: We used the image because it is tailored for data science workflows and includes Dask, which is beneficial for handling large datasets.
  • Switch to Root User: The USER root command allows the installation of additional system packages.
  • Add UbuntuGIS Repository: The add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable command adds a repository with updated GIS libraries, necessary for installing PDAL.
  • Install System Dependencies: We installed essential packages like git, pdal, and development tools (gcc, g++, cmake, etc.) needed to compile and run PDAL effectively.
  • Clone the Repository: The LiDAR demonstration notebook repository (pramonettivega/lidar_demo) is cloned into the work directory.
  • Install Python Dependencies: The requirements.txt file from the cloned repository is used to install additional Python dependencies.
  • Set Permissions: Ownership of the working directory is assigned to the jovyan user to allow file modifications during runtime.
  • Switch Back to Jovyan User: To ensure a safe execution environment, the Dockerfile switches back to the jovyan user, which is the default for Jupyter notebooks.

3 - Build the image

In terminal go to the folder where your Dockerfile is located, and run the following command:

docker build -t my-dockerhub-user/demo-image .

In the above command, we are tagging the image as demo-image (you can use a different tag name), and then we close with a dot to indicate Docker to use the current folder as the source of the Dockerfile. Make sure to replace my-dockerhub-user with your actual Docker Hub username.

After the image is built, push your image to your Docker Hub repository.

docker push my-dockerhub-user/demo-image:latest
The latest tag at the end indicates the current version of the image.

4 - Access JupyterHub and launch a new pod using your image

Once you have pushed your image, go to JupyterHub and paste the image in the Bring your own image box (in this case, paste my-dockerhub-user/demo-image:latest).

5 - Launch server and run the notebook

After launching your server, go to root/lidar-demo/ and execute the demo notebook.

List of images

In the following site, you can consult the full list of images from Jupyter Docker Stacks, which you can use as the base for your custom images.