v0.2.0 alpha version
Release NotesBig updates are coming soon, and we will be looking for beta testers for the website. Stay in the loop for the latest updates.
The National Data Platform, or NDP, is a federated and extensible data ecosystem to promote collaboration, innovation, and equitable use of data on top of existing cyberinfrastructure capabilities.
Soon you will be able to ...
Search through a rich collection of open data and AI services spanning diverse applications.
Dive straight into the data within your browser and run analyses on scalable computing platforms.
Join activities hosted by professors and organizations and practice your AI skills using real-world data.
Host data projects to supplement your classroom teaching with applicable real world data.
The fire science ontology was developed with input from domain experts in fire science with a focus on concepts important for prescribed fires. Datasets in wifire commons are semantically tagged with terms from the ontology which aid in discoverability. As the BurnPro3d platform evolves and new datasets are added to wifire commons, the ontology will need to be augmented to accommodate the new semantic understanding. The ontology can also be visualized under “browse keywords” on the wifire commons front page.
YAGO (Yet Another Great Ontology) is an open source[3] knowledge base developed at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken. It is automatically extracted from Wikipedia and other sources. As of 2019, YAGO3 has knowledge of more than 10 million entities and contains more than 120 million facts about these entities.[4] The information in YAGO is extracted from Wikipedia (e.g., categories, redirects, infoboxes), WordNet (e.g., synsets, hyponymy), and GeoNames.[5] The accuracy of YAGO was manually evaluated to be above 95% on a sample of facts.[6] To integrate it to the linked data cloud, YAGO has been linked to the DBpedia ontology[7] and to the SUMO ontology.[8] YAGO3 is provided in Turtle and tsv formats. Dumps of the whole database are available, as well as thematic and specialized dumps. It can also be queried through various online browsers and through a SPARQL endpoint hosted by OpenLink Software. The source code of YAGO3 is available on GitHub.
A description of the Environment Ontology (ENVO) is published in the Journal of Biomedical Semantics in an article by Buttigieg et al. and a paper describing its development until mid-2016 is available here Our latest releases are described here More information and guides for using ENVO in annotation exercises are available at www.environmentontology.org Please note: ENVO is not an "authority" in itself, but we do try to provide a semantic/ontological expression of existing authoritative classifications alongside project-based or individual knowledge. We aim to create a FAIR compliant space where expressions of this knowledge can co-exist and interoperate.
Contact - ndp@sdsc.edu
The National Data Platform was funded by NSF 2333609 under CI, CISE Research Resources programs. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.