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Registering Data in NDP catalog

The NDP catalog is a metadata registry that enables organizations to expose their datasets to the scientific community, making them available for incorporation into AI-driven workflows and advancing research in various fields.

By registering their datasets in the NDP catalog, organizations can increase the visibility and reach of their data, facilitating collaboration, innovation, and the advancement of research.

Please note that the NDP catalog does not store or host the actual data. Instead, users provide a URL for direct download or an API key to facilitate access to their datasets, which are hosted externally.

For the registration of a dataset, data providers must fill the following information in the data registration form:

  • Title: A concise and descriptive title that accurately represents the dataset.
  • Description: A detailed and informative description of the dataset, including its purpose, scope, and content. This should provide enough context for potential users to understand the dataset's value and relevance.
  • Tags: Relevant keywords or phrases that help categorize and make the dataset discoverable. Choose a mix of specific terms related to the dataset's content and broader, high-level terms that reflect its themes or applications.
  • Organization: A detailed and informative description of the dataset, including its purpose, scope, and content. This should provide enough context for potential users to understand the dataset's value and relevance. NDP Catalog provides a list of organizations, but data providers can also add their organization through the form.
  • Visibility: Public or private.

Public visibility

In the current version of NDP, all metadatada is registered with public visibility.

  • Point of contact information: The name, email address and phone number of the author or mantainer of the dataset.
  • Public Key: A unique identifier or API key required for accessing the dataset, if applicable. Provide this key if your dataset is hosted behind a restricted access point or requires authentication.
  • Version: The current version number or release date of the dataset.
  • License: The terms and conditions under which the dataset can be used, shared, or adapted.
  • Resources: Additional URLs, documentation, or materials that provide context or support for the dataset. This may include data dictionaries, user guides, or other supplementary resources that help users understand and work with the dataset.
  • Optional Custom Fields: The CKAN ID or URL where the data is derived from (optional) and the size of the whole dataset.
  • Aditional Information: Any other relevant details or comments about the dataset that are not captured by the other fields.

The process to register your data is the following:

  1. After login in, go to My Uploads on the left side of your dashboard.
  2. On the top, click on Register dataset.
  3. Fill the data registration form with the information we described previously and submit your request.

After submitting your data registration form, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your submission. This email confirms that we have received your request and will begin the review process.

Our team will carefully review your dataset to ensure it meets the standards and requirements of the NDP catalog. Please be patient as we complete this review process, as it may take some time.

Once the review is complete, you will receive a second email informing you of the outcome, either accepting or rejecting your dataset for inclusion in the catalog. If your dataset is rejected, it is because it did not meet the necessary standards.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the review process or would like clarification on the status of your submission, please don't hesitate to contact our team for assistance. We're here to help and look forward to working with you to make your dataset available to the scientific community.