Wellington, New Zealand 2013-2014

Lidar of the entire Wellington region, captured for Greater Wellington Regional Council by Aerial Surveys in 2013. Further processing including automated classification and conversion to NZVD2016 was done by Landcare Research. Data management and distribution is by Land Information New Zealand. Prepared DEM and DSM files are available through the LINZ Data Service Wellington, New Zealand 2013-2014 DEM Wellington, New Zealand 2013-2014 DSM

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://portal.opentopography.org/stac/Wellington_2013_catalog.json
Last Updated August 22, 2024, 00:08 (UTC)
Created August 22, 2024, 00:08 (UTC)
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id 0cf686be-71e2-4fb7-87cc-53e39dd39315
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
providers [{'url': 'https://www.opentopography.org', 'name': 'OpenTopography', 'roles': ['host']}, {'url': 'http://www.aerialsurveys.co.nz/', 'name': 'Aerial Surveys', 'roles': ['processor']}, {'url': 'http://www.gw.govt.nz/', 'name': 'Greater Wellington Regional Council', 'roles': ['producer']}, {'url': 'https://www.linz.govt.nz/', 'name': 'Land Information New Zealand', 'roles': ['producer']}]
sci:citation N/A. Citation Guidance - https://opentopography.org/citations
sci:doi https://doi.org/10.5069/G9CV4FPT
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[176.35237500682, -41.6508938787878], [174.598338504434, -41.6508938787878], [174.598338504434, -40.6359808197201], [176.35237500682, -40.6359808197201], [176.35237500682, -41.6508938787878]]]}
temporal {"endTime": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z", "startTime": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z"}