Tasman, New Zealand 2020-2022

LiDAR was captured for the Tasman District Council by Aerial Surveys Ltd from 28 January 2020 to 30 January 2022. The dataset was generated by Aerial Surveys and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand Prepared DEM and DSM files are available through the LINZ Data Service: Tasman, New Zealand 2020-2022 Digital Elevation Model Tasman, New Zealand 2020-2022 Digital Surface Model NOTE: On March 16th 2023 additional data was added to this dataset. In addition, this dataset was merged with the dataset, "Abel Tasman National Park, Tasman, New Zealand 2020-2021". The landing page for the dataset, "Abel Tasman National Park, Tasman, New Zealand 2020-2021" has been deactivated, and its DOI now re-directs to the current page.

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Field Value
Source https://portal.opentopography.org/stac/NZ21_Tasman_catalog.json
Last Updated August 22, 2024, 00:08 (UTC)
Created August 22, 2024, 00:08 (UTC)
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id 9d4f5394-411d-45c8-bde9-c9629a93556a
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
providers [{'url': 'https://www.opentopography.org', 'name': 'OpenTopography', 'roles': ['host']}, {'url': 'https://www.aerialsurveys.co.nz/', 'name': 'Aerial Surveys', 'roles': ['processor']}, {'url': 'https://www.tasman.govt.nz/', 'name': 'Tasman District Council', 'roles': ['producer']}, {'url': 'https://www.linz.govt.nz/', 'name': 'Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand', 'roles': ['producer']}]
sci:citation Tasman District Council, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) (2023). Tasman, New Zealand 2020-2022. Collected by Aerial Surveys, distributed by OpenTopography and LINZ. https://doi.org/10.5069/G9S46Q5N
sci:doi https://doi.org/10.5069/G9S46Q5N
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[173.305425077713, -42.3077710352137], [172.049152771998, -42.3077710352137], [172.049152771998, -40.5882673049872], [173.305425077713, -40.5882673049872], [173.305425077713, -42.3077710352137]]]}
temporal {"endTime": "2022-01-30T00:00:00Z", "startTime": "2020-01-28T00:00:00Z"}