Scenario St. Mary Large Ensemble

This dataset is an ensemble of prescribed fire simulations generated by the QUIC-Fire coupled fire-atmospheric modeling tool. Each simulation run is represented by a zarr file, containing the outputs created by QUIC-Fire through the BurnPro3D web interface. To model a burn, users upload the polygon for their burn unit and BurnPro3D uses a 3D fuels model for that location created by FastFuels and an ignition file with a user-defined ignition pattern created in DripTorch. Those files are included here as well. In addition, users define the environmental conditions they would like to model in terms of fuel moisture, wind direction and wind speed. The relevant information about the versions used of BurnPro3D, QUIF-Fire, FastFuels and DripTorch are included in the metadata, along with both presets defined by BP3D and user-defined model inputs.

Varying Parameters:

wind_speed: 3 unique values
wind_direction: 3 unique values
surface_moisture: 4 unique values
canopy_moisture: 2 unique values

Total: 72 simulation runs.

List of Simulation Runs: St._Mary_large_ensemble.csv

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:01 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:01 (UTC)