QF Idealized Grass Plots

Idealized Short/Long Fire Ignition on a Homogeneous Grassland Simulation

QUIC-Fire - Version: Jan2022

Working alongside Los Alamos National Lab (LANL), Tall Timbers Research Station (TTRS) produced a parameter sweep to compare QUIC-Fire to FIRETEC. The canonical example of an idealized rectangular ignition over a homogeneous grassland was used and developed. The QUIC-Fire simulations were made to match the FIRETEC simulations as closely as possible, with a notable exception made for the vertical grid resolution.

Provided in this folder are Zarr arrays containing the bulk density over time for 10 different runs: 5 wind speeds for a short and a long fire ignitions. The first time step then is the initial condition of the fuel. The arrays are structured as [ntimes,ny,nx,nz]. The 'ntimes' is not the total simulation time but the amount of time-steps that were output. For these simulations, that would be every 10 seconds (simulation time step is 1 s but the outputs are printed every 10 s). Provided is a txt file containing the number of timesteps for each simulation (Table 2). Ny and Nx will be set for 200, 200 for all these runs, and Nz is set to 5 (vertical cells in the fuel grid).

Provided is also the generating text files for the run.

Please contact Daniel Rosales (dgiron@talltimbers.org) for any questions, comments or concerns about the simulations.

See Jupyter Notebook demonstrating how to access the data (https://github.com/BurnPro3D/data-api-notebooks/blob/main/access-QuicFire-QF-Idealized-Grass-Plots-data.ipynb)

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Daniel Rosales
Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:07 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:07 (UTC)
doi https://ezid.cdlib.org/id/doi:10.48792/W24W2H
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