InFORM Fire Occurrence Data Records

This data set is part of an ongoing project to consolidate interagency fire perimeter data. The record is complete from the present back to 2020. The incorporation of all available historic data is in progress.The InFORM (Interagency Fire Occurrence Reporting Modules) FODR (Fire Occurrence Data Records) are the official record of fire events. Built on top of IRWIN (Integrated Reporting of Wildland Fire Information), the FODR starts with an IRWIN record and then captures the final incident information upon certification of the record by the appropriate local authority. This service contains all wildland fire incidents from the InFORM FODR incident service that meet the following criteria:Categorized as a Wildfire (WF) or Prescribed Fire (RX) recordIs Valid and not "quarantined" due to potential conflicts with other recordsNo "fall-off" rules are applied to this service.Service is a real time display of data.Warning: Please refrain from repeatedly querying the service using a relative date range. This includes using the “(not) in the last” operators in a Web Map filter and any reference to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. This type of query puts undue load on the service and may render it temporarily unavailable.Attributes:ABCDMiscA FireCode used by USDA FS to track and compile cost information for emergency initial attack fire suppression expenditures. for A, B, C & D size class fires on FS lands.ADSPermissionStateIndicates the permission hierarchy that is currently being applied when a system utilizes the UpdateIncident operation.CalculatedAcresA measure of acres calculated (i.e., infrared) from a geospatial perimeter of a fire.  More specifically, the number of acres within the current perimeter of a specific, individual incident, including unburned and unburnable islands.  The minimum size must be 0.1.ContainmentDateTimeThe date and time a wildfire was declared contained. ControlDateTimeThe date and time a wildfire was declared under control.CreatedBySystemArcGIS Server Username of system that created the IRWIN Incident record.CreatedOnDateTimeDate/time that the Incident record was created.IncidentSizeReported for a fire. The minimum size is 0.1.DiscoveryAcresAn estimate of acres burning upon the discovery of the fire. More specifically when the fire is first reported by the first person that calls in the fire.  The estimate should include number of acres within the current perimeter of a specific, individual incident, including unburned and unburnable islands.DispatchCenterIDA unique identifier for a dispatch center responsible for supporting the incident.EstimatedCostToDateThe total estimated cost of the incident to date.FinalAcresReported final acreage of incident.FinalFireReportApprovedByTitleThe title of the person that approved the final fire report for the incident.FinalFireReportApprovedByUnitNWCG Unit ID associated with the individual who approved the final report for the incident.FinalFireReportApprovedDateThe date that the final fire report was approved for the incident.FireBehaviorGeneralA general category describing the manner in which the fire is currently reacting to the influences of fuel, weather, and topography. FireCodeA code used within the interagency wildland fire community to track and compile cost information for emergency fire suppression expenditures for the incident. FireDepartmentIDThe U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) has created a national database of Fire Departments.  Most Fire Departments do not have an NWCG Unit ID and so it is the intent of the IRWIN team to create a new field that includes this data element to assist the National Association of State Foresters (NASF) with data collection.FireDiscoveryDateTimeThe date and time a fire was reported as discovered or confirmed to exist.  May also be the start date for reporting purposes.FireMgmtComplexityThe highest management level utilized to manage a wildland fire event. FireOutDateTimeThe date and time when a fire is declared out. FSJobCodeA code use to indicate the Forest Service job accounting code for the incident.  This is specific to the Forest Service.  Usually displayed as 2 char prefix on FireCode.FSOverrideCodeA code used to indicate the Forest Service override code for the incident.  This is specific to the Forest Service.  Usually displayed as a 4 char suffix on FireCode.  For example, if the FS is assisting DOI, an override of 1502 will be used.GACCA code that identifies one of the wildland fire geographic area coordination center at the point of origin for the incident.A geographic area coordination center is a facility that is used for the coordination of agency or jurisdictional resources in support of one or more incidents within a geographic coordination area.IncidentNameThe name assigned to an incident.IncidentShortDescriptionGeneral descriptive location of the incident such as the number of miles from an identifiable town. IncidentTypeCategoryThe Event Category is a sub-group of the Event Kind code and description. The Event Category further breaks down the Event Kind into more specific event categories.IncidentTypeKindA general, high-level code and description of the types of incidents and planned events to which the interagency wildland fire community responds.InitialLatitudeThe latitude location of the initial reported point of origin specified in decimal degrees.InitialLongitudeThe longitude location of the initial reported point of origin specified in decimal degrees.InitialResponseDateTimeThe date/time of the initial response to the incident. More specifically when the IC arrives and performs initial size up.  IsFireCauseInvestigatedIndicates if an investigation is underway or was completed to determine the cause of a fire.IsFSAssistedIndicates if the Forest Service provided assistance on an incident outside their jurisdiction.IsReimbursableIndicates the cost of an incident may be another agency’s responsibility.IsTrespassIndicates if the incident is a trespass claim or if a bill will be pursued.LocalIncidentIdentifierA number or code that uniquely identifies an incident for a particular local fire management organization within a particular calendar year.ModifiedBySystemArcGIS Server username of system that last modified the IRWIN Incident record.ModifiedOnDateTimeDate/time that the Incident record was last modified.PercentContainedIndicates the percent of incident area that is no longer active.  Reference definition in fire line handbook when developing standard.POOCityThe closest city to the incident point of origin.POOCountyThe County Name identifying the county or equivalent entity at point of origin designated at the time of collection.POODispatchCenterIDA unique identifier for the dispatch center that intersects with the incident point of origin. POOFipsThe code which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents.  The first two digits are the FIPS State code and the last three are the county code within the state.POOJurisdictionalAgencyThe agency having land and resource management responsibility for a incident as provided by federal, state or local law. POOJurisdictionalUnitNWCG Unit Identifier to identify the unit with jurisdiction for the land where the point of origin of a fire falls.                                                                                 POOJurisdictionalUnitParentUnitThe unit ID for the parent entity, such as a BLM State Office or USFS Regional Office, that resides over the Jurisdictional Unit.POOLandownerCategoryMore specific classification of land ownership within land owner kinds identifying the deeded owner at the point of origin at the time of the incident.POOLandownerKindBroad classification of land ownership identifying the deeded owner at the point of origin at the time of the incident.POOProtectingAgencyIndicates the agency that has protection responsibility at the point of origin.POOProtectingUnitNWCG Unit responsible for providing direct incident management and services to a an incident pursuant to its jurisdictional responsibility or as specified by law, contract or agreement.                                                                                                               Definition Extension: - Protection can be re-assigned by agreement. - The nature and extent of the incident determines protection (for example Wildfire vs. All Hazard.)POOStateThe State alpha code identifying the state or equivalent entity at point of origin.PredominantFuelGroupThe fuel majority fuel model type that best represents fire behavior in the incident area, grouped into one of seven categories.PredominantFuelModelDescribes the type of fuels found within the  majority of the incident area.  UniqueFireIdentifierUnique identifier assigned to each wildland fire.  yyyy = calendar year, SSUUUU = POO protecting unit identifier (5 or 6 characters), xxxxxx = local incident identifier (6 to 10 characters) FORIDUnique identifier assigned to each incident record in the FODR database.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:19 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:19 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2023-02-16T17:34:42.000Z
dcat_modified 2023-03-03T15:03:33.550Z
dcat_publisher_name National Interagency Fire Center
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id af09c4f5-a11d-4acb-97dc-fb423e3d9304
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-178.8026, -38.2333], [-178.8026, 70.3307], [153.6044, 70.3307], [153.6044, -38.2333], [-178.8026, -38.2333]]]}