Fuel Load and Consumption for the 2017-2020 Monroe Mountain Prescribed Fires

Mapped attributes:

  • Canopy Fuel
  • Down Woody Debris (DWD)
  • Litter
  • Duff
  • Total Fuel
  • Subcanopy Fuel
  • Available Canopy Fuel (ACF)


  • Fire perimeters


Researchers with the Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FAMSEE) collected data on three stand-replacing prescribed fires on Monroe Mountain in the Fishlake National Forest, Utah, USA. We used multitemporal airborne laser scanning (ALS), combined with coincident pre- and post-fire plot data, to empirically model fuels and estimate fuel consumption at fine scales (10 m resolution). These data can be used to help inform other research, including on fire behavior, plume dynamics, smoke composition, smoke dispersion, aspen regeneration, and soil heating.

In this archive, we include raster data (.tif) for pre-fire fuel load, post-fire fuel load, and fuel consumption. Pre-fire fuel load estimates cover all of Monroe Mountain, while post-fire fuel load and fuel consumption estimates are limited to two ALS acquisitions, one containing the Manning Creek Unit (MCU; burned on 20 June 2019) and Langdon Mountain Unit (LMU; burned on 7 November 2019), and the other the Annabella Reservoir Unit (ARU; burned on 5 November 2020). Pre-fire ALS data were acquired between 27 August and 11 September 2016, while post-fire ALS were acquired on 30 September 2020 for MCU and LMU, and 15 June 2021 for ARU.

We include approximate fire perimeters for the three burn units, based on USDA Forest Service burn plans and observation of burned areas in post-fire World View 2 imagery. Additionally, we provide perimeters adjacent to the MCU for two blackline units, burned in October 2017 (BL17) and November 2018 (BL18), and two smaller burn units known as the knob burns (KBU; burned on 19 June 2019).


The units for all estimates are megagrams per hectare.

Coordinate Reference System

Data is projected in NAD83 UTM Zone 12N (EPSG 26912).


These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the journal article citation:

McCarley TR, Hudak AT, Bright BC, Cronan J, Eagle P, Ottmar R, Watts AC. (2024) Generating fuel consumption maps on prescribed fire experiments from airborne laser scanning. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 33, WF23160. doi:10.1071/WF23160

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author T. Ryan McCarley
Last Updated August 7, 2024, 23:38 (UTC)
Created April 3, 2024, 18:03 (UTC)
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harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates":[[[-112.15070, 38.71796], [-111.87905, 38.71796], [-111.87905, 38.24480], [-112.15070, 38.24480], [-112.15070, 38.71796]]]}