FRAP - Public Lands Ownership

This ownership dataset utilizes a methodology that results in a federal ownership extent that matches the Federal Responsibility Areas (FRA) footprint from CAL FIRE's State Responsibility Areas for Fire Protection (SRA) data. FRA lands are snapped to county parcel data, thus federal ownership areas will also be snapped. Since SRA Fees were first implemented in 2011, CAL FIRE has devoted significant resources to improve the quality of SRA data. This includes comparing SRA data to data from other federal, state, and local agencies, an annual comparison to county assessor roll files, and a formal SRA review process that includes input from CAL FIRE Units. As a result, FRA lands provide a solid basis as the footprint for federal lands in California (except in the southeastern desert area). The methodology for federal lands involves: 1) snapping federal data sources to parcels; 2) clipping to the FRA footprint; 3) overlaying the federal data sources and using a hierarchy when sources overlap to resolve coding issues (BIA, UFW, NPS, USF, BLM, DOD, ACE, BOR); 4) utilizing an automated process to merge “unknown” FRA slivers with appropriate adjacent ownerships;5) a manual review of FRA areas not assigned a federal agency by this process. Non-Federal ownership information was obtained from the California Protected Areas Database (CPAD), was clipped to the non-FRA area, and an automated process was used to fill in some sliver-gaps that occurred between the federal and non-federal data. Southeastern Desert Area: CAL FIRE does not devote the same level of resources for maintaining SRA data in this region of the state, since we have no fire protection responsibility. This includes almost all of Imperial County, and the desert portions of Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. In these areas, we used federal protection areas from the current version of the Direct Protection Areas (DPA) dataset. Due to the fact that there were draw-issues with the previous version of ownership, this version does NOT fill in the areas that are not assigned to one of the owner groups (it does not cover all lands in the state). Also unlike previous versions of the dataset, this version only defines ownership down to the agency level - it does not contain more specific property information (for example, which National Forest). The option for a more detailed future release remains, however, and due to the use of automated tools, could always be created without much additional effort.This dataset includes a representation to symbolize based on the Own_Group field using the standard color scheme utilized on DPA maps.For more details about data inputs, see the Lineage section of the metadata. For detailed notes on previous versions, see the Supplemental Information section of the metadata.This ownership dataset is derived from CAL FIRE's SRA dataset, and GreenInfo Network's California Protected Areas Database. CAL FIRE tracks lands owned by federal agencies as part of our efforts to maintain fire protection responsibility boundaries, captured as part of our State Responsiblity Areas (SRA) dataset. This effort draws on data provided by various federal agencies including USDA Forest Service, BLM, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Inidan Affairs. Since SRA lands are matched to county parcel data where appropriate, often federal land boundaries are also adjusted to match parcels, and may not always exactly match the source federal data. Federal lands from the SRA dataset are combined with ownership data for non-federal lands from CPAD, in order to capture lands owned by various state and local agencies, special districts, and conservation organizations. Data from CPAD are imported directly and not adjusted to match parcels or other features. However, CPAD features may be trimmed if they overlap federal lands from the SRA dataset. Areas without an ownership feature are ASSUMED to be private (but not included in the dataset as such). This service represents the latest release of the dataset by FRAP, and is updated twice a year when new versions are released. 

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:11 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:11 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2019-07-18T22:52:13.000Z
dcat_modified 2019-07-18T23:03:19.000Z
dcat_publisher_name CA Governor's Office of Emergency Services
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id dcac8389-1acd-4091-a220-666ab607afeb
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-124.4098, 32.5348], [-124.4098, 42.0095], [-114.1308, 42.0095], [-114.1308, 32.5348], [-124.4098, 32.5348]]]}