EarthScope Stations Dataset

The EarthScope Consortium ( streams three-dimensional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) high rate (1hz) position time series from nearly a thousand EarthScope and related GNSS stations. These high precision ground-motion time series are used to study a range of geophysical phenomena including earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, hydrologic loads, and glaciers. EarthScope is dedicated to supporting transformative global geophysical research and education through operation of the National Science Foundation’s ( NSF) Geodetic GAGE and Seismic SAGE facilities. As part of the National Data Platform (NDP) EarthScope pilot project, the EarthScope GNSS position time series streams are being stored and made available from Data Collaboratory Kafka servers at the University of Utah. This Jupyter Notebook provides tools for access and plotting of sample real time streams and is the foundation for additional services being developed that will facilitate time series analysis including machine learning.

Users of EarthScope data agree to follow the EarthScope streaming data policy (

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Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:01 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:01 (UTC)