CAL FIRE Facilities for Wildland Fire Protection

This dataset is intended to provide a statewide depiction of CALFIRE and contract facilities for fire suppression. It includes state and local funded fire stations, stations providing wildland firefighting services to the state under contract Schedule A agreements, air attack bases and helitack bases, conservation camps, lookouts, nursery, operations centers, regional headquarters, unit headquarters, state forest visitor centers, and youth conservation camps.This dataset is specific to state and local fire stations and other facilities used for wildland fire protection within California. It does not include all fire station that could potentially be used for such purposes (e.g., federal).This dataset includes fire stations and other facilities owned and operated by CALFIRE or by counties or other local government entities. The "Type" of facility includes five categories of Fire Station: * Fire Station - Schedule B (funded by the State for wildland fire protection - commonly referred to as "Schedule B" funding)

  • Fire Station - Schedule A (funded by a local agency under a cooperative fire agreement with the State) Fire Station - Schedule A/B (Funded by both the State and by a local agency) Fire Station - Contract County (funded by the State and operated by the county under contract - referred to as "Greybook" funding)* Fire Station - Local funded and volunteer. Only for some areas. Not exhaustive. This service represents the latest release of the dataset, and is updated annually when a new version is released.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 28, 2024, 17:10 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2024, 17:10 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2020-06-30T20:38:15.000Z
dcat_modified 2020-07-17T17:22:35.000Z
dcat_publisher_name CA Governor's Office of Emergency Services
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id 07a62b5b-9496-4cf4-9727-5e38b5253583
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-124.1904, 32.4964], [-124.1904, 42.0371], [-113.7984, 42.0371], [-113.7984, 32.4964], [-124.1904, 32.4964]]]}