2013 Balochistan earthquake, Pakistan

This point cloud datatset covers a 5 km wide swath along an approximately 240 km long section of the 2013 Balochistan earthquake rupture in Pakistan. Point cloud data produced from 13 stereo data sets of 0.5 m resolution, panchromatic Pleiades images acquired by Airbus (funded by NERC, UK). The images were processed using the LPS module of the ERDAS Imagine 2013 software (version 13.00.00, Build 281). A pixel-by-pixel matching procedure was implemented with a window size of 5-by-5 pixels and a correlation coefficient of 0.3 to 0.7. For further details see: Zhou, Y., J. R. Elliott, B. Parsons, and R. T. Walker (2015), The 2013 Balochistan earthquake: An extraordinary or completely ordinary event?, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3134-3142, doi:10.1002/2015GL065096

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Field Value
Source https://portal.opentopography.org/stac/Balochistan13_catalog.json
Last Updated August 22, 2024, 00:09 (UTC)
Created August 22, 2024, 00:09 (UTC)
encoding utf8
harvest_object_id 442fc6e9-0c2b-4248-982b-91f3b4648270
harvest_source_id a2637971-af12-457f-ae4a-831d2202a539
harvest_source_title WIFIRE Commons
providers [{'url': 'https://www.opentopography.org', 'name': 'OpenTopography', 'roles': ['host']}, {'url': 'http://www.geo-airbusds.com/pleiades/', 'name': 'Airbus Defence and Space (Pleiades 1B)', 'roles': ['processor']}, {'url': 'https://nerc.ukri.org/', 'name': 'Natural Environment Research Council, UK', 'roles': ['producer']}, {'url': 'https://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/research/igt/research-projects/looking-inside-the-continents-of-space/', 'name': 'Looking inside the Continents from Space', 'roles': ['producer']}, {'url': 'https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/', 'name': 'Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes and Tectonics', 'roles': ['producer']}]
sci:citation Zhou, Y., J. R. Elliott, B. Parsons, and R. T. Walker (2015), The 2013 Balochistan earthquake: An extraordinary or completely ordinary event?, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3134-3142. https://doi.org/10.5069/G9VD6WJ1.
sci:doi https://doi.org/10.5069/G9VD6WJ1
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[65.7939724819964, 26.0390997640875], [64.0785982265901, 26.0390997640875], [64.0785982265901, 27.5557958526486], [65.7939724819964, 27.5557958526486], [65.7939724819964, 26.0390997640875]]]}
temporal {"endTime": "2014-04-05T00:00:00Z", "startTime": "2014-03-15T00:00:00Z"}